Because every child matters.
Welcome to Himalayan Youth Foundation, a non-profit organization supporting underprivileged children from the Himalayas
The HYF Story
Officially founded in 2002, Himalayan Youth Foundation began many years prior when Tashi Gurung and David Bidwell, with the help of the Greendale Foundation, established the Himalayan Children’s Foundation (HCF) in Kathmandu, Nepal. After meeting on a trek to Mustang in 1999, David and HYF co-founder and current President Micheline Kramer decided to harness their mutual love for both the country and people of Nepal. Their initial efforts led to the growth of HCF and the creation of Kailash Home. What began with six needy children living in rented quarters quickly grew to 30 children by 2002 and eventually expanded to the current annual number of up to 100 children in residence at Kailash. Through a network of individual sponsors and generous donors the Foundation provides housing, education, and fostering to each and every child. HYF is a US based tax exempt non-profit corporation (501C3) that raises funds and provides direct support to HCF in Nepal. Currently HYF not only supports Kailash and the work of HCF, but also works in partnership with Choki Traditional Arts School in Bhutan.

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”
— Lady Bird Johnson