New Faces at Kailash Home
It’s always an exciting time of year when we welcome a new class of children to Kailash. They don’t know it yet, but their lives have just shifted forever. Our new children arrive on campus unsure and curious, but within a few days they begin to acclimate and open up as the other Kailash Kids welcome them into the family. It’s a wonderful thing to witness — and after 20 years, that transformation never gets old.
This year our incoming class is comprised of eight new students from across Nepal. We are thrilled to welcome them and their Sponsors to the Kailash and HYF family, and can’t wait to watch them grow in the years to come.
First day at Kailash Home for these new students
With a new group of children arriving every year, we are always looking for additional Sponsors to join our community. If you’ve ever considered getting involved with HYF, now is the perfect time to learn more about our sponsorship programs. It might just change your life!