Letters From Kailash


While traditional mail to and from Nepal may not always be the most reliable method of communication, thanks to the power of the internet, you never have to worry about missing an update from Kailash Home. Letters from Kailash, the official HYF blog, is here to share news, events, student spotlights, and more!

Kailash HYF Kailash HYF

New Staff at Kailash Home

We recently welcomed two staff members to our team in Nepal, and we're thrilled to introduce you to the newest members of our Kailash family! Both Novita Rai, our new Academic Coordinator, and Swati Singh, our new Hostel in Charge, bring incredible passion and experience to their roles and are already working wonders with our Kailash Kids. Read on to learn more about Novita and Swati.

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Kailash HYF Kailash HYF

Welcome Home Kailash Kids!

We’re thrilled to introduce you to our newest class of Kailash Kids! Sonam Choedon Gurung (10), Fudeme Bhote (7), and Diki Khando Lama (6) recently arrived at Kailash Home and are settling into their new routine and schools. It is a bittersweet season for us every year as we celebrate our graduating seniors and also welcome some fresh new faces to campus. It will be exciting to watch these students grow and thrive over the coming years, and before too long, we’ll be celebrating their graduations too.

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Kailash HYF Kailash HYF

More Than Just Our Founder

There’s a good chance you are reading this message because of Micheline Kramer, our co-Founder and President. For so many of our worldwide family, Micheline was the first one to introduce us to Nepal and Kailash and the children we strive to help daily.

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Kailash, Guest Writer HYF Kailash, Guest Writer HYF

Friends from Near & Far

Have you ever had an experience, a moment in your life, when it seemed like the world shifted around you and suddenly your perspective was entirely changed? Moments like these are magical and happen rarely, unless that is, you happen to be the proverbial fly on the wall at Kailash Home. At Kailash, these moments happen regularly.

Through our Friends of Kailash Home program, people of all ages, but primarily university students, from around the world have the chance to stay at Kailash for up to a month. While on campus these visitors have a unique opportunity to meet and mentor our children through shared meals, tutoring, and other fun activities and outings. Rather than tell you how impactful these experiences are for both our Friends and our Kailash Kids, though, we invite you to read what a few of our most recent visitors had to say:

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