Letters From Kailash
While traditional mail to and from Nepal may not always be the most reliable method of communication, thanks to the power of the internet, you never have to worry about missing an update from Kailash Home. Letters from Kailash, the official HYF blog, is here to share news, events, student spotlights, and more!
Kicking Off 2022
We are kicking off 2022 in the best way! Thanks to our community of supporters, friends, and donors around the world, we not only met, but exceeded the goal for our 2021 Annual Appeal.
Change a Life, or Two! 2021 Annual Appeal
Our 2021 Annual Appeal begins now, and you have the opportunity to double your impact thanks to the extreme generosity of our friends the Bickells!
A Visit to Kailash
In December of 2020, Shirley Gurung of the COINS Foundation made a visit to Kailash Home. She shared her experience for the COINS Foundation blog.
A Note of Gratitude
It is with great emotion I am writing this post to announce that we have reached the goal for our first Annual Appeal! The reality is YOU have reached, and in fact surpassed our goal, and we are so grateful. I am pleased to announce that we have raised over $45,000 before the November 30th deadline!
Double Your Impact.
Our 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐋 is underway, and thanks to the incredible generosity of our friends Alan and Patricia Bickell, every dollar you donate between now and November 30th will be matched directly! 🙌🏼 That means your single dollar becomes two, your $500 becomes $1000, your $10K becomes HALF of our overall $40,000 goal.
Introducing Girl1, the newest initiative at Kailash Home
Today we're excited to share the launch of a brand new educational and community initiative at Kailash Home, Girl1!
Inside Lockdown in Nepal
A letter from our partners at Kailash Home in Nepal where 27 of our #KailashKids remain on campus during a nationwide lockdown due to the global spread of COVID-19.